Thursday, 24 April 2014

Misty Eyes - 21.04.2014


Few days ago I was looking at mysterious paintings and pictures, but unfortunately I realised that there aren't as many as I was hoping to find. So after a couple of hours of searching I decided to make my own painting!

Obviously I had a weird idea... I decided to paint a canvas black and then add light using a sock and white paint... And surprisingly it worked! The lights turned out looking very natural and even some random tree shapes and bushes to the painting :D (I had refine them later, but the shapes were already there waiting for me to work with them).

After that, I added some basis trees and then some more trees.. Because trees need their tree friends too.. Even the creepy trees:)

Originally I was planning to add some colour to it, like some lilac flowers for example, but then I changed my mind and decided to make it a black and white painting.. 

It is a bit strange and a bit creepy.. But that was the whole point of it :)

So without further ado, here are the stages of the painting and the final outcome:



              Stage 1:                                  

              Stage 2:      

This is an acrylic painting done entirely using Mars black (Galeria) and Titanium white (Finity range), both from Winsor and Newton :)

Everyone I've spoken to really likes this painting so I decided to make a series in this theme :)

It will be called "Mars black

(yup, creative name as always :')

This particular painting is called "Misty Eyes".

Thank you for reading :)

Lots of Love,


Sunday, 20 April 2014

Zakopane 21.02.2014

Hi :)
I was supposed to post every Saturday but I was really busy yesterday... 

This painting is dedicated to the lovely Mucha family. Those amazing people showed us (people from my choir) what heaven looks like.. Dziękuję. 

It's a painting based on a photo I took in Zakopane while I was there with my choir earlier this year.

Zakopane is a town in south Poland. It lies in the southern part of the Podhale region at the foot of the Tatra Mountains. zakopane is a center of Górale culture and is known informally as "the winter capital of Poland". It's a popular destination for mountaineering, skiing and tourism. Definitely worth visiting! They also have awesome "oscypki" there!

And the views! The views are amazing! I've only seen the place in winter but this year I'll see it in summer - the Mucha family is getting bigger and I'm invited to the wedding :)

It's an oil painting, painted with Winton Oil Paints by Winsor and Newton :)

Lots of Love,

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Up + Down in Smoke 21.03.2012

I had an amazing evening last night..
I went to see the most talented artist ever! Jim Moray at the Foundling Museum... Here's his website [click].. If you've never heard of him, enjoy folk music, or just want to hear something new, I recommend checking him out! He's a really nice guy who makes amazing songs :) When he started singing acapella. oh dear. He's simply... I don't even know how to describe him hahaha I even had a chance to talk to him, but I wasted it because I was too embarrassed/shy, but I still got him to sign his CD for me :D

He played in a tiny room, and about 100 people were present so it was really nice and cosy :)

Here is another painting done ages ago.. I will probably redo it with better paints - it was done with those cheap acrylics from Lidl :D and back then I had no idea how to actually paint.. I know it was only 2 years ago, but my technique changed a lot since then.

It's one of the few painting that were based on a photo.. it wasn't even my photo.. I'd post the photo here for comparison, but I have no idea what it was called or where I found it... but yes, anyway, ladies and gentlemen, here is " Up + Down in Smoke"

Lots of Love,


Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Rose - 22.12.2011

So I thought the best thing to do is to start from the beginning. 
I'll show you a picture of the oldest painting I have in my room :D

This painting was actually an accident... I was painting something for my parents because I had no idea what to give them for Christmas.. and because I'm a really messy person - I'm an artist, duh!- I left an open white tube (the big one from Winsor and Newton) on the floor... and obviously I managed to step right into it! and I didn't even realise until I found white paint on my trousers (I was sitting on my leg).. and then I panicked and looked on the floor...

On my carpet there was now a huge white stain!!  I had no idea how to get rid of it, so I ran downstairs and got some vanish... In the end I managed to wash it off.. but what I was left with was a palette with a lot of white paint on it - the paint I managed to get off the carpet (there was a lot)!

So I decided to improvise, got one of my old paintings off the wall (some really bad seascape) and painted a rose over it.. not a realistic rose, but a very abstract one. This is probably my most abstract painting, but I still love it :D 

so here it is:


It's called ''The Rose'' (very creative, I know) and it was painted on the 22nd of December 2011.

Lots of Love,


Saturday, 5 April 2014

Introduction and tools


So today I decided that it's time to start sharing my artwork with a wider audience, rather than my family and friends who visit my room and get a chance to get a look at my colourful walls.

As you have probably already guessed, I'll be publishing all of the publish-worthy paintings.

So to start things off properly (I didn't have time to take proper photos of my paintings), here's a photo-list of my tools and paints:

Lots of Love,
