Saturday 24 May 2014

Uncomfortable Conscience - 23.05.2014

A couple of days ago I was talking to someone about nature and I realised how disgusting London actually is. I always thought that it was a beautiful city with a lot of parks and with a lot of trees, but it actually isn't.
I was walking home after choir last Friday and I thought I'd check how long I have to walk for before I see a tree.. and it was 20 minutes!  I was really surprised.. I thought we had more trees than that.. but I guess that because there aren't so many of them we notice them more than we would have if there were more of them. 

I love nature and I'm really surprised how blind I was for all those years.... I mean, you don't really get to see stars in the sky due to light pollution... I knew that was the case because whenever I went to Poland the sky looked so much nicer there.. but I didn't actually think about it...

We live in a world where money is the only thing that matters... Dreams don't matter anymore.. those who dream are regarded as immature and crazy.. but what's the point of living if you have no dreams? For money...? Are you going to buy yourself some happiness? Are you going to go to a shop and buy a family? a dream? love...? no. What are you going to do with all the money you're earning? 

Dreams are like trees. They keep us alive. We should treasure them and keep them alive.

Being successful today means having a well paid job and no time for life. If that's what it is, then screw it. I don't want to be successful anymore. I'd rather be happy, fulfilled and ''crazy''

Some people think they can earn some money now and then be happy later when they're finally able to follow their dreams.. but what if you die next year? or next month? or tomorrow? You would have lived a life without actually being alive for a single day.

People are so blinded by money that they don't notice the problems we face everyday. We're killing animals... all the time.. due to pollution. And nobody seems to care... People don't talk to eachother anymore.. it's all become virtual.. some people prefer their virtual lives to their real ones... they can be whoever they want online.. but why can't they be whoever they want in real life? It doesn't take that much to face your fears, leave your comfort zone, change your personality.. Your friends need you. A conversation online is not the same as a real conversation. Some people are unable to talk to other if they're face to face. Talking online is easier, alright, but it shouldn't be a substitute for a real conversation. I hate it when I see couples who are supposedly together, but they actually aren't because they're constantly on their phones while they're with one another, living their second lives..

People used to live peacefully, surrounded by nature and now people try to destroy it because they can't generate an income out of a tree, so it's better to build an ice cream shop in a park and get some money out of it than it is to plant more trees there.. 

I feel sorry for future generations... some kids will never see a real tree... there's this thing called global warming and everyone's panicking about it, but not many people actually do anything about it. Money money money.


ah... okay. so there is no new painting for this weeks entry, because I'm really busy recently. Yesterday I really wanted to paint something but I only had one hour so I decided to try something new. I took a piece of A4 paper, some black acrylic paint and set myself a challenge. I was supposed to paint a picture using just one colour and water. This means that I had to plan it out carefully in my mind because I wouldn't be able to fix it with white paint like I usually do :D

It looks a bit like an ink drawing but it was done using acrylic paint (Mars Black) from....... Winsor and Newton as always haha  :)

Here's the outcome of my exercise:

It's not really a proper painting, but it has a name nonetheless haha :)
It's called ''Uncomfortable Conscience''  

Lost of Love,

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